// source --> https://shop.la-decouverte-du-sommelier.com/wp-content/plugins/dispensary-age-verification/public/js/dispensary-age-verification-public.js?ver=2.5 /* * The Dispensary Age Verification plugin utilizes * the following open source javascript plugin. * * Thanks Michael! * * Plugin: ageCheck.js * Description: A simple plugin to verify user's age. Uses sessionStorage API to store if user is verified - only kept until browser is closed. * Options can be passed for easy customization. * Author: Michael Soriano * Author's website: http://fearlessflyer.com * */ (function ($) { 'use strict'; $.ageCheck = function (options) { const settings = $.extend({ minAge: 18, redirectTo: "", redirectOnFail: "", title: "Age Verification", copy: "You must be [age] years old to enter.", btnYes: "YES", btnNo: "NO", successTitle: "Success!", successText: "You are now being redirected back to the site...", failTitle: "Sorry", failText: "You are not old enough to view this site...", cookieDays: 30, adminDebug: "", beforeContent: "", afterContent: "", }, options); const _this = { age: "", errors: [], setValues() { const month = $(".avwp-av .month").val(); const day = $(".avwp-av .day").val(); _this.month = month; _this.day = day.replace(/^0+/, ''); // remove leading zero _this.year = $(".avwp-av .year").val(); }, validate() { _this.errors = []; if (/^([0-9]|[12]\d|3[0-1])$/.test(_this.day) === false) { _this.errors.push("Day is invalid or empty"); } if (/^(19|20)\d{2}$/.test(_this.year) === false) { _this.errors.push("Year is invalid or empty"); } _this.clearErrors(); _this.displayErrors(); return _this.errors.length < 1; }, clearErrors() { $(".errors").html(""); }, displayErrors() { let html = ""; setTimeout(() => { $(".avwp-av .errors").html(html); }, 200); }, reCenter(b) { b.css("top", `${Math.max(0, (($(window).height() - (b.outerHeight() + 150)) / 2))}px`); b.css("left", `${Math.max(0, (($(window).width() - b.outerWidth()) / 2))}px`); }, buildHtml() { const copy = settings.copy; let html = ""; html += '
'; html += '
'; if (settings.beforeContent !== "") { html += settings.beforeContent; } if (settings.imgLogo !== "") { html += '' + settings.title + ''; } if (settings.title !== "") { html += `


`; } html += `

${copy.replace("[age]", `${settings.minAge}`)}`; + `

`; html += `

`; if (settings.afterContent !== "") { html += settings.afterContent; } html += "
"; $('body').append(html); $(".avwp-av-overlay").animate({ opacity: 1, }, 500, () => { _this.reCenter($(".avwp-av")); $(".avwp-av").css({ opacity: 1, }); }); $(".avwp-av .day, .avwp-av .year").focus(function () { $(this).removeAttr("placeholder"); }); }, setAge() { _this.age = ""; _this.age = Math.abs(Date.now() - 1970); }, setSessionStorage(key, val) { try { sessionStorage.setItem(key, val); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }, handleSuccess() { const successMsg = `



`; $(".avwp-av").html(successMsg); setTimeout(() => { $(".avwp-av").animate({ top: "-350px", }, 200, () => { $(".avwp-av-overlay").animate({ opacity: "0", }, 500, () => { if (settings.redirectTo !== '') { window.location.replace(settings.redirectTo); } else { $(".avwp-av-overlay, .avwp-av").remove(); } }); }); }, 2000); }, handleUnderAge() { const underAgeMsg = `



`; $(".avwp-av").html(underAgeMsg); if (settings.redirectOnFail !== '') { setTimeout(() => { window.location.replace(settings.redirectOnFail); }, 2000); } }, }; // end _this // Check for cookie and reture false if it's set. var cookiereader = readCookie("age-verification"); if (cookiereader) { if (settings.adminDebug !== "") { eraseCookie("age-verification"); } else { return false; } } // Create pop up. _this.buildHtml(); // Successful "YES" button click. $(".avwp-av button.yes").on("click", () => { createCookie("age-verification", "true", settings.cookieDays); _this.handleSuccess(); }); // Successful "NO" button click. $(".avwp-av button.no").on("click", () => { _this.handleUnderAge(); }); $(window).resize(() => { _this.reCenter($(".avwp-av")); setTimeout(() => { _this.reCenter($(".avwp-av")); }, 500); }); }; }(jQuery));